Understanding the UAE Anti-Hate Law

The UAE Anti-Hate Law, officially known as Federal Decree Law No. 2 of 2015, is a significant piece of legislation aimed at promoting tolerance and curbing discrimination. This law is crucial in maintaining the country’s harmony and peace, given its diverse population comprising various nationalities, religions, and cultures.

Key Features of the Law

The Anti-Hate Law specifically addresses acts of discrimination, hatred, and intolerance. It prohibits any form of speech or expression that incites hatred or discriminates against individuals or groups based on religion, caste, creed, doctrine, race, color, or ethnic origin. This includes written, verbal, and online forms of communication.

Protection Against Discrimination

One of the primary objectives of the law is to protect individuals from discrimination in all its forms. It ensures that everyone in the UAE is treated equally, irrespective of their background. This protection extends to workplaces, schools, public places, and online platforms.

Punishments and Penalties

The law imposes strict penalties for those found guilty of violating its provisions. These penalties can include hefty fines, imprisonment, or both. For instance, individuals convicted of inciting hate or discrimination can face imprisonment for up to ten years and fines ranging from AED 50,000 to AED 2 million, depending on the severity of the offense.

Promoting Tolerance and Peace

The UAE government has always emphasized the importance of tolerance and peaceful coexistence. The Anti-Hate Law reinforces this commitment by promoting values of understanding and mutual respect among its residents. It aligns with the UAE’s broader vision of fostering a society where different cultures and beliefs coexist harmoniously.

Responsibility of Residents and Citizens

Residents and citizens of the UAE are encouraged to be mindful of their actions and words. The law serves as a reminder to practice tolerance and respect towards others, regardless of their differences. It also highlights the responsibility of individuals in contributing to a peaceful and inclusive society.

Implementation and Awareness

The UAE authorities actively work towards implementing this law and raising awareness about its importance. Educational programs, campaigns, and community initiatives are regularly conducted to educate the public about the implications of hate speech and discrimination.

Main provisions from UAE Anti-hate Law

  1. Criminalises any acts that stoke religious hatred
  2. Criminalises any act that insults religion through any form of expression, be it speech or the written word, books, pamphlets or online
  3. Punishes anyone for terming other religious groups or individuals as infidels, or unbelievers
  4. Provides a sound foundation for the environment of tolerance, broad-mindedness and acceptance in the UAE
  5. Aims to safeguard people regardless of their origin, beliefs or race, against acts that promote religious hate and intolerance
  6. Includes jail terms of six months to more than 10 years for those who break the law
  7. Includes fines of between Dh50,000 and Dh2 million for those who break the law
  8. Prohibits any act that would be considered as insulting God, His prophets or apostles or holy books or houses of worship or graveyards
  9. Makes it illegal to discriminate against individuals or groups on the basis of religion, caste, doctrine, race, colour or ethnic origin
  10. Prohibits any entity or group established specifically to provoke religious hatred
  11. Recommends stringent punishments for groups or supporters of any organisations or individuals that are associated with hate crimes
  12. Prohibits any kind of events such as conferences and meetings within the UAE organised with the sole purpose of sowing seeds of discrimination, discord or hatred against individuals or groups on the basis of faith, origin or race
  13. Makes it illegal to receive financial support to fund activities that propagate hate
  14. Encourages anyone involved in any activity that violates the law to voluntarily submit themselves before the authorities
  15. Allows courts to waive penalties where people voluntarily submit themselves to authorities
  16. Dovetails with other existing laws to protect specially privileged groups such as women, children and individuals with disabilities or others

Cyber Crimes Law-UAE

UAE’s Federal Law No 5 of 2012, also known as the Cyber Crimes law states that individuals can be prosecuted for publishing pictures of individuals without their consent, as well as making offensive statements about them.

Individuals who disrespect Islam and make statements that breach good morals and conduct may also face legal punishment. Individuals can be prosecuted for making statements that are disrespectful towards Islam, morals and good conduct.
These include posting comments or images that encourage sin, slander another person or breach the privacy of individuals including taking photographs or publishing information about another without their permission.

According to the UAEs official Federal Decree Law No (5) on combating cyber crimes, it is illegal to invade someones privacy by photographing others or creating, transferring, disclosing, copying or saving electronic photos [in addition to] publishing news, electronic photos or photographs, scenes, comments, statements or information without permission.

Making slanderous statements and insulting others can be punishable by imprisonment, a fine, and even deportation.

Members of the public are urged to report any wrongdoing to authorities, and to show the police documented evidence they may have of the crime, without posting the information online.

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